Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time begins - remember to set clocks ahead one hour.
UMM Meeting w/Breakfast
Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NCUnited Methodist Men will hold its monthly breakfast on Sunday, March 12th at 8:00 a.m. in the church hut. All men of the church are invited to attend.
Cub Scouts
Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NCCub Scouts meeting each Sunday at 2:00 at Central UMC Hut.
Vitality Committee
The Vitality Committee meet at 6:00 p.m. in the Harris Classroom.
Bearing Fruit Small Group Class
A small group who is meeting weekly to study the book "Bearing Fruit" by Tom Berlin. The group is working with and supporting the South Davidson Resource Center. The class […]
Health & Welfare Committee
The Health & Welfare Committee meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Harris Classroom.
Boy Scouts
Central UMC 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NCLove the outdoors and learning skills that will last you a lifetime? The Boy Scouts meet every Tuesday night. Please come out and join us for a good time and […]
Davidson County Department of Social Services in Denton
Denton Town HallThe Davidson County Department of Social Services will be having office hours in Denton on the third Wednesday of each month at the Denton Town Hall. This is for anyone […]
Noon Lenten Service
The Noon Lenten Service will be held at First United Methodist Church. Reverend Sheila Gould will speak on "The Nails". A soup and sandwich lunch will follow the service.
Kindle the Fire Class
Kindle the Fire Class is for New Members or Members who are interested in Reaffirming Their Faith Meeting will be held on Thursday. March 2 thru Lent (1 1/2 hours) […]