United Methodist Women’s Meeting
UMW Room - Downstair in ChurchThe monthly meeting of the United Methodist Women will be held Tuesday, March 12, instead of March 5. The annual White Elephant Fundraiser will be the program for the evening. […]
Noon Lenten Service and Lunch
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesThere is a noon service followed by a soup and sandwich lunch each Wednesday during Lent. This is sponsored by the South Davidson UMC Missional Network Churches, and is held […]
Noon Lenten Service and Lunch
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesThere is a noon service followed by a soup and sandwich lunch each Wednesday during Lent. This is sponsored by the South Davidson UMC Missional Network Churches, and is held […]
Noon Lenten Service and Lunch
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesThere is a noon service followed by a soup and sandwich lunch each Wednesday during Lent. This is sponsored by the South Davidson UMC Missional Network Churches, and is held […]
FREE Community Dinner
Central UMC Fellowship Hut - Denton, NCCentral UMC will host a FREE Community Dinner on Thursday, March 28, 2019, from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m.. It will be held in the Church Fellowship Hut, and the meal […]
Central Church Retreat
Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NCThere will be a Central Church Retreat on Saturday, March 30, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the church hut. It is important for ALL committee member to […]
Church Council Meeting
Central UMC (Youth Room in Hut)The next meeting of the Church Council will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2019, at 12:15 p.m. in the Youth Room of the Church Hut.
Maundy Thursday Service
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesThere will be a Maundy Thursday Communion Service at noon on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at Central United Methodist Church. Rev. Dennis Sheppard will deliver the message. A soup and […]
Noon Good Friday Cross Walk
There will be a Good Friday Cross Walk held at noon on Good Friday, April 19, 2019 beginning at noon. Please check back for details.