The United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women will jointly sponsor a BBQ Fundraiser on Saturday, October 14, from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the Central UMC Hut. Â Tickets are available for pre-sale and eat in or take outs are available. Â All church members are welcome to participate and volunteer. Â Invite friends.
The United Methodist Women need packaged desserts for the Open Hands Ministry for the 3rd Monday of each month. Â There is a blue bin in the downstairs kitchen for donations.
Central UMC will sponsor a cake walk and candy give-away at the Annual Halloween Street Treat Festival. Â We will be located at the Farmer's Market in downtown Denton. Â Candy for give-away bags and cakes, pies, and cookies for the Cake Walk (already packaged) are needed. Â Also needed are volunteers to help.