Halloween Street Treat Festival

Downtown Denton

Central UMC will sponsor a cake walk and candy give-away at the Annual Halloween Street Treat Festival.  We will be located at the Farmer's Market in downtown Denton.  Candy for give-away bags and cakes, pies, and cookies for the Cake Walk (already packaged) are needed.  Also needed are volunteers to help.

UMW – White Elephant Sale

The United Methodist Women White Elephant Sale will be held at the November monthly meeting. This is always a fun event.  Who will win the white elephant this year?  All women of the church are invited.  Come and bring a friend. SaveSave SaveSave

Chicken ‘n Dumplings Lunch

Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

The Central United Methodist Women's Annual Chicken 'n Dumplings Lunch will be held on Sunday, November 12, following church.  The "famous" Louise Caulder & Vergie Clark are the main chefs.   Come and savor this classic lunch and help support missions, families in need, and Central's Food Pantry.  Take outs are available.  Spread the word!

Desserts for Open Hands Ministry

The United Methodist Women need packaged desserts for the Open Hands Ministry for the 3rd Monday of each month.  There is a blue bin in the downstairs kitchen for donations.

Cub Scouts

Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

Cub Scouts meet weekly at Central United Methodist Church Hut.

Christmas Play Practice

Central UMC 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

Christmas Play Practice will be held every Sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  prior to the presentation on December 17.  All youth are invited to participate.

Cub Scouts

Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

Cub Scouts meet weekly at Central United Methodist Church Hut.

UMW Christmas Dinner

Southern Theater and Event Center

The United Methodist Women will have its Christmas Dinner Tuesday, December 5, at the Southern Theater and Event Center in Denton at 6:00 p.m.  All ladies are invited!  The cost if $14 and reservations should have been made by November 24. SaveSave

Free Lunch and Learn

Central UMC (Hut) 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

There will be a green Lunch and Learn at Central United Methodist Church Hut on December 6 from 12:00-1:00 p.m.  Helen Blackburn, Nurse Practitioner, will be the guest speaker and the topic will be "Physicals and Vaccines."  Please come and bring a friend!  There will be door prizes.  If you have questions please contact the […]

Worship – Mission Wreath Sunday

Central UMC 276 W. 1st St, Denton, NC

During the Sunday morning service, donations will be taken for missions and the congregation will have the opportunity to take part in the annual lighting of the Mission Wreath.   SaveSave SaveSave