Central UMC Preschool
Central UMC Preschool - Downstairs of Church 276 W. 1st St., Denton, NC, United StatesCentral UMC has a Preschool Program for three and four year olds. It meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 am until 11:30 am. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the church office at 336-859-3502.
Food Pantry Open – Sharing God’s Abundance
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesCentral UMC's Food Pantry is open every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 until 12:00 for "Sharing God's Abundance" to those in our community. Look for signs leading to the church entrance. One food bag is available per family once a week.
Sunday School – Adults
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesConrad Harrold’s Sunday School Class and Margaret Harris’ Sunday School Class are now meeting at 10 a.m. each Sunday morning … all are welcomed!
Worship Service
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesPlease join us for Sunday Worship each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. You can also join us on our church website - just log into https://centralumcdenton.com.
Central UMC Preschool
Central UMC Preschool - Downstairs of Church 276 W. 1st St., Denton, NC, United StatesCentral UMC has a Preschool Program for three and four year olds. It meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 am until 11:30 am. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the church office at 336-859-3502.
Food Pantry Open – Sharing God’s Abundance
Central UMC - Denton 276 West First Street, Denton, NC, United StatesCentral UMC's Food Pantry is open every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 until 12:00 for "Sharing God's Abundance" to those in our community. Look for signs leading to the church entrance. One food bag is available per family once a week.
UMW Meeting – White Elephant Sale
Central UMC Church Hut - Denton, NCThe United Methodist Women will meeting Tuesday, March 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central UMC Hut. • MEMBERS ARE REMINDED TO BRING YOUR WRAPPED WHITE ELEPHANT ITEMS to the March 8 meeting for our always filled-with-laughter auction and revelation of whether our items turned out to be a “deal or a dud!” (NOTE THE […]
Central UMC Preschool
Central UMC Preschool - Downstairs of Church 276 W. 1st St., Denton, NC, United StatesCentral UMC has a Preschool Program for three and four year olds. It meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 am until 11:30 am. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the church office at 336-859-3502.
Lenten Service and Lunch
First UMC - Denton, NC 376 South Main Street, Denton, NC, United StatesThere is an 12:00 noon service followed by a soup and sandwich lunch each Wednesdays during Lent. This is sponsored by the Missional Network Churches, and is held at First UMC in Denton. The book used as a basis for these worship services is by Rev. Fleming Rutledge entitled, “The Seven Last Words from the […]
Choir Practice
CUMC-Denton -Choir RoomCentral United Methodist Church Choir practices every Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m until 7:30 p.m. New members are encouraged to join - all are welcome.